
April 5, 2024

Gym picture Gym picture Awards

Dear Addams Families,

Did you know? Any Addams student that is missing three or more assignments each Wednesday, receives a  missing assignments sheet from their Inspire teacher on Thursday morning. Students are asked to work on the assignments during the FLEX period on Thursday morning. Students that still need to complete assignments are asked to due so by Friday or over the weekend. Next, we have staff members assigned to check-in with students still missing 3 or more assignments on the following Monday morning. Students that are still above the threshold are asked to stay after school on Monday afternoon to complete the work. The process is repeated on Tuesday morning for any student that still is missing 3 or more assignments. In addition, we require our 8th graders during the 3rd trimester to have less than three missing assignments to attend fun activities including the 8th grade dance. Please help us support your child by making it a habit to log into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal each weekend and check on your child’s progress. We appreciate your partnership in ensuring success for your kids. 

Have a great weekend!


Chris Bingen          Bill Musselman
Principal                 Assistant Principal 

Upcoming Dates:

  • 5/17 – 8th grade dance, 5 to 7:30 pm
  • 5/22 – Half day in-service (10:40 am dismissal)
  • 5/27 – Memorial Day, no school 
  • 5/31 – Last day of school for 8th graders
  • 6/2 – Graduation 
  • 6/3 – Last day of school for 7th graders

Class of 2024 T-Shirts

Time is running out to order an 8th grade t-shirt!  Use the QR code on the flyer below or visit our Addams Spirit Wear store to place an order for your child. Orders placed will be filled within 2 weeks. We will continue to fulfill and deliver t-shirts to any student that orders all the way until the week before graduation. If you are in need of financial support to receive a t-shirt., please email Mr. Bingen with your child’s size and we would be happy to place an order for you. 

8th grade Graduation Gowns and Medallions 
8th grade graduation is going to be here before you know it! All graduates will be required to purchase a gown and a keepsake medallion for the ceremony. 8th grade parents, you have the option to pay for the gown and medallion by logging on to the Infinite Campus parent portal and locating the “School Store” tab. The price for both of these items is $25 plus a small processing fee. If you prefer, you can send a check (made out to Jane Addams Junior High School) or $25 cash with your student to the main office. If purchasing the gown/medallion represents a hardship for any family, email Mr. Bingen and the school will be happy to provide financial support. 

Save the Date – 8th Grade Dance
We will be holding a dance at Jane Addams Junior High for all interested 8th graders on Friday, May 17 from 5 to 7:30 pm. More information will be forthcoming. 
Solar Eclipse
On Monday, April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross North and Central America creating a path of totality.  During a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely blocks the Sun while it passes between the Sun and Earth.  The sky will darken as if it were dawn or dusk.  For more information, please visit
The Schaumburg area will not experience a total eclipse but rather a partial eclipse around 1:50-2:10 p.m. D54 schools are planning a viewing opportunity to allow students to experience this unique event.  
Safety is always a top priority.  We will take all precautionary measures to make this experience safe and enjoyable.  It is not safe to look directly at the sun without specialized eye protection for solar viewing (Eclipse safety).  Solar eclipse glasses will be provided for all students and staff participating in the viewing on April 8, 2024.  Additionally, if you would prefer to not have your child participate in this event, please let us know by Monday, April 1, 2024. Students who do not participate in the solar eclipse event will participate in an alternate activity inside the school during the eclipse.

8th grade Graduation
We are excited to announce that this year’s event will be held from 2:30 to 3:30 pm on Sunday, June 2, 2024 at Wintrust Field, also known as the Schaumburg Boomers Stadium. In order to accommodate all families, we will be limiting each family to six tickets. Students will sit on the field with their classmates, while families will sit in the stands. In the event of rain, we will hold our graduation ceremony on Monday, June 3, at 5:30 pm at Hoffman Estates High School. Either way, the last day of school for eighth-grade students will be Friday, May 31. District 211 summer school classes start on June 3 and we want to ensure our eighth-graders can participate in those classes.

PTA Summer Elementary Scholarship Applications
The PTA is currently accepting applications for Summer 2024 Elementary Scholarships. All scholarship applications are due by April 8. Please click on the links below for more information. 

STC Elementary Scholarship Application
STC Elementary Scholarship Application – Spanish
Spirit wear
Addams Spirit Wear is still available! Show your school spirit by ordering yours today. Order yours online here.

District 54 Summer Camp Information 
Keep the mind and body engaged and moving this summer by joining a Summer of 54 camp! District 54 students can build robots, design a t-shirt, learn a new sport, brush up on music skills, start a business, and so much more! 
Registration will open in your Parent Portal on Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 9:00 AM and will close on Friday, May 3, 2024 at 12:00 PM (Instrumental Music due by Friday, May 24, 2024). 
Seats fill up fast so sign up to be a part of the Summer of 54 Camp family! If you would like more information on each camp and the courses, please view the brochure at the link below:
 2024 Summer of 54 Camp Brochure
2024 Summer of 54 Camp Brochure (SPANISH)

Addams Jr. High PTA Executive Board for 2024-2025
* President: Jhina Tabulina O’Brien
     * 1st Vice President: OPEN
     * 2nd Vice President: OPEN
     * Secretary: OPEN
     * Treasurer: Zara Ajdari
We still need help for next school year. If you would like to be a part of the board, please fill out the volunteer form.

Coffee & Conversation: Activities for the Summer 
You are invited to join us from 5 – 6 p.m. on April 17 at the District 54 Professional Learning Center as District 54’s Multicultural Parent Advisory Council presents a session for parents on “Activities for the Summer”. Join us as we share information about different activities and resources that are available for students and families in the summer. Translators will be available in Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Mongolian and Ukrainian. To register for the event, please complete a Coffee & Conversation RSVP Form.  
District 54 Virtual Backpack
 District 54 shares information about community events with our students and families through our Virtual Backpack.  We know that parents are interested in extracurricular activities. At the same time, we don’t want the homework, letters from the teachers, school news and other important district information to get lost among the countless other pieces of paper in our students’ backpacks.  Please click here for additional information.

2023-2024 District Calendar
The 2023-2024 District Calendar can be viewed HERE.  You can also access the SD54 calendar at a glance PDF right above the calendar once you click on the link.