
March 5, 2023

Graduation Gowns and Medallions
The 8th grade graduation date will not be finalized by the school district until March. The School Board and administration wait until the threat of inclement weather/snow days are over before settling on a date. However, we have already begun preparations for graduation. We have gathered student sizes for graduation gowns. As part of our ceremony, all students will wear a gown and receive a keepsake medallion. Payment for gowns and medallions can be made in one of three ways:

  1. Log on to the school store on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and purchase the gown/medallion. The cost is $22 (with a $2 processing fee).
  2. Make a check out to Addams Junior High for $22 and drop it off at the Addams office. 
  3. Send your student with $22 cash in an envelope with their name on it, labeled “graduation fee”.

Payment is due ASAP.  Please email Mr. Bingen if you are in need of financial assistance.