Upcoming Events
10/14 – No School-Columbus Day/Indigenous People’s Day
10/23 – PTA Culver’s Night Out
10/30 – Half Day Student Attendance 10:40 am dismissal
11/5 – No School-Presidential Election
11/8 – End of Tri 1
11/25-26 – No School-Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/27-29 – No School-Thanksgiving Break
12/20 – Last day of attendance before winter break
Dear Addams Families,
It is hard to believe, but today represents the mid-point of the 1st trimester. If you have not done so recently, this would be a great time to log in to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and check on the progress of your child. Do not hesitate to reach out to us if support is needed as we collaborate in the success of our students.
In addition, yesterday was a day of exceptional learning. To highlight, our new group of Addams Student Ambassadors took part in training at our district office with students from the other junior highs, and we are excited to see what fantastic ideas this group brings back to Addams to make our awesome school even better. Last night, our amazing 8th grade band traveled to Schaumburg High School and took part in the halftime show with other junior highs and the high school band.
Finally, this coming Thursday, October 3rd, we would like to encourage all staff and students to wear pink as the girls’ basketball team will be sponsoring a Pink Out Day for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We would also love to pack the gym that afternoon for the 7th and 8th grade girls basketball games.
Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns as we work together to ensure that our students maximize their learning potential.
Bill Musselman Tricia Leong
Principal Assistant Principal
2024 Personal Assessment of Core Competency
District 54 is committed to ensuring not only the academic success of each child, but also their social-emotional wellbeing. Your insight as a parent/guardian is essential in creating the most well rounded picture of your student’s strengths and opportunities for growth. To gather your perspective, District 54 will send families of students in grades 3-8 an email link for each child to the District 54 Personal Assessment of Core Competency on Monday, September 30th. The window to complete the survey will close on Friday, October 18th. Thank you in advance for participating in this survey, as we believe the home-school collaboration is critical to best support your child’s overall well-being.
LifeTouch Student Pictures Update!
Last Friday, your student’s pictures and an envelope were sent home with your student. If you preordered your child’s picture then that package will be in the envelope. If you did not pre order, the proof of your child’s picture was sent home. You can now easily follow the directions on the envelope to order the pictures/package you would like. If your child was absent on picture day, retakes will be Friday, Nov. 8th. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us in the main office at 847-357-5900.
District 211 Class of 2029 Information (Current 8th Gr. Students)
District 211 is in the final stages of updating its comprehensive transition guide for the high school graduating Class of 2029. The transition guide highlights important information for families of current 8th grade students, including details about the placement testing. Each District 211 high school has a unique version of the Class of 2029 Transition Guidebook. When available, electronic copies of each high school’s guidebook are on the District 211 webpage devoted to incoming freshman information. The Class of 2029 Transition Guidebook is mailed home to families by October 1.
The incoming freshman placement test will take place on Saturday, October 26, 2024. Starting with the Class of 2029, students will be administered a paper version of Pre-ACT. If interested in learning more about the Pre-ACT go to the ACT website.
Couch to 2 Mile Run
Our students have been working hard in PE progressing through the ‘Couch to 2 Mile’ running program. They are working towards running the 2 mile event on Wednesday, October 30th at 4:15pm at Addams. This year, we added a kid’s dash (K-6th grade) at 4pm, so there is something for the whole family! If you are interested in participating, please fill out the registration form here. Please complete one registration form per person. Keep in mind, you can walk or run! This event is free for all participants and Addams students who participate in the race will receive a free T-shirt compliments of the PTA. If you are unable to participate, you can support our runners by purchasing some race gear by clicking here. Please note, the clothing will not arrive until after the race event.
Erin’s Law
Again this year, we will be implementing a child sexual abuse prevention program in our schools as the result of the passage of Public Act 097-1147, also known as Erin’s Law. Lessons and resources have been carefully created and selected and give the students the knowledge and skills necessary to keep themselves safe. The delivery of these lessons will be provided by our Guidance department during P.E. classes on Wednesday, October 9. Please do not hesitate to be in contact with me if you have any questions or concerns.
Activity Buses
Activity buses leave Addams at 4 pm every weekday except Wednesdays. Activity Buses are made available to students who are eligible to ride the bus to and from school. If your student rides a small bus to school, they must order a small activity bus by 10 a.m. each day. All students riding the 4 p.m. activity buses must have their bus passes available for the driver. The bus will stop at community stops, which may not be the same as the student’s regular bus stop. To find the closest stop and the correct route for your student, you may contact our main office at 847-357-5900. Club sponsors and sport coaches will assist the students in determining their activity bus.
Pizza Sales
Every Tuesday and Thursday we will serve Old Town Pizza for interested students. Pizza is $3 per slice and sold during lunch hours.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Infinite campus is District 54’s student information system that connects parents to information. Through Infinite Campus, parents will have access to the Parent Portal. The Parent Portal provides access for parents to information regarding their child including paying fees, viewing assignments, attendance, grades, academic schedule, and teacher comments.
If you currently do not have a Parent Portal account, please email [email protected] or you can call our front office at 1-847-357-5900 and our secretaries can assist you. If you need help logging on to the Infinite Campus portal click here, email [email protected], or call portal support at 847-357-5110. If you have previously created a Parent Portal account and cannot recall your username or password, you can reset them yourself from the portal website by selecting forgot password.
Schaumburg Teen Center – The Club
If you are looking for after school programs for your teenage child, the Schaumburg Teen Center (The Club) is here to assist! Please see the following information for more details to get involved:
Join PTA
Help support the PTA by purchasing a membership. Memberships are only $10 or 2 for $15. Purchase memberships online and your membership card will be emailed to you. Anyone can join: Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa or any community members. PTA is an organization that advocates for the students at Addams Jr. High. All funds are used to organize activities and events that benefit Addams Jr. High students and teachers. PTA helps support many great events including: assemblies, Addams 5k in the fall, 8th grade activity day and dance, and to show our appreciation for the Addams teachers throughout the year.
**The Addams PTA will never reach out to you directly soliciting funds. Please do not send funds directly to an individual electronically**
Fun Lunch Fridays
Fun Lunches will be on Fridays beginning on Friday, September 6th. Order Fun Lunch through the Marla’s Lunch website. Here are directions on how to order. If this is your first time making an account, please see the directions for the one-time school password. All orders are due on Tuesday at 9am for the following week.
Show you school spirit
Addams Spirit Wear is now available! Show your school spirit by ordering yours today. Order yours online here.
Join us for a night out
Our first night out will be at Culver’s on October 23rd from 5pm to 8pm.
Culver’s of Schaumburg
1800 Wise Rd
Come join your PRINCIPAL and TEACHERS (from 5pm-7pm) at Culver’s of Schaumburg and support Jane Addams PTA at the same time. Culver’s is donating 15% of the group’s sales during this time period. Bring your Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and ALL of your friends. Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to help, see your friends and have a great meal! Please mention you are with Jane Addams PTA at the time of ordering.
Click HERE for the flier.
Our second night out will be at the Chicago Wolves Game on Saturday, November 16th. See flyer for more details. Order tickets HERE.
No Food Deliveries Allowed
With a focus on student and staff safety, District 54 does not allow food delivery services (including, but not limited to, GrubHub, DoorDash, and local restaurants) to our schools.
2024 – 2025 District Calendar
The 2024-2025 District Calendar can be viewed here: https://sd54.org/calendar/. Please click on the link for the Spanish version of the calendar.
District 54 Virtual Backpack
District 54 shares information about community events with our students and families through our Virtual Backpack. We know that parents are interested in extracurricular activities. At the same time, we don’t want the homework, letters from the teachers, school news and other important district information to get lost among the countless other pieces of paper in our students’ backpacks. Please click here for additional information.
The U.S. McKinney-Vento Assistance Act defines homeless children as those who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime abode.
In general, children or youth living in motels, transitional housing, shelters, the street, cars, parks, bus or train stations, abandoned buildings and other inadequate accommodations may be considered eligible for McKinney-Vento services. Please visit our website for more information.